Sunday, December 30, 2012

Dogs On A Plane

She liked her stocking 
I brought my computer with me to our various Christmas adventures, but never got around to actually turning it on much less blogging. I am perfectly fine with this fact. We had an absolute blast over the holidays, and they aren't really over yet. Lane's family is still visiting with us here.
 We have been hopping all over the northeast visiting both of our families. A few days before Christmas we drove down to New Jersey to visit my family. We had an absolute incredible day wandering around NYC. The buildings were all covered in Christmas lights. It was chilly, but perfect weather  for walking. 

The most dramatic part of our travels was the jump from New Jersey to Connecticut. Lane's uncle owns his own small plane and flew down to pick us up. The "us" in that sentence included Asha. She was an absolute champ and relaxed in her crate for the whole trip. Our route took us right by Manhattan and it was lovely to see the whole skyline from 7,000 feet.

Not as glamorous as it might have been. Very cold and very windy 
 After a wonderful visit with Lane's family, we are now safely back in Fort Drum. The snow came with us, and there are mountains of snow covering post. I highly underestimated just how much it could snow here

I want to do more of an NYC post, but I am already beat for today. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. 


  1. Totally jealous of your snow down here!! It "snowed" for a little bit yesterday but nothing stuck. I still got excited. ;)

    Glad y'all are having a great holiday!

  2. I'm so glad you got to spend the holidays with Lane and his family before he heads down range. How cool was flying on that little plane! I'm impressed Asha did so well. I'm not sure the same could have been said of me!*


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