Friday, January 4, 2013

High Five For (A Freezing) Friday

I haven't done the High Five For Friday Link-Up in quite a while, but I thought I would give it a go this week. I am linking up with Lauren at From My Grey Desk

Photo: We are watching a documentary about the Iditarod. Asha looks totally ready to race.

1. High Five for awesome Netflix documentaries. Lane and I have been watching one about the Iditarod Sled Dog Race. Clearly, Asha is extremely excited about being a sled dog (Ha). Netflix has added a load of great new documentaries and I highly recommend checking them out. 

2. The Snow! I know a lot of people moan and complain about Fort Drum, but I think it is beautiful here. Yes it is cold, but there is significant beauty in the snow. Also, we had months of incredibly beautiful (and warm) spring, summer, and fall. Fall in northern New York is worth the slightly chilly temperatures in the winter. 

To Purchase on Amazon
3.  This new gorgeous french press. Starbucks had them marked down by $20 so we decided to splurge. Our old one had a big chip, so this beauty is quite an upgrade.

4. I feel like I am starting to hit my stride at work. There are so many crazy variables and situations that I learn something new everyday. However, it is a good feeling when progress is definitely being made.

5. High Five for really great husbands who bring you a mid day latte at work. Who have frozen yogurt in the freezer when you get home from a really long day. Who are so sweet with your dog that you can't wait to see him with your kids. Yep, those husbands are pretty cool.

Fort Drum is under a severe blizzard warning and I am secretly hoping that I will have a few hour delay at work. I could use to time to snuggle my sweet puppy and enjoy morning coffee in bed. 


  1. Where is Fort Drum? Is that a military base? Your dog is SO cute! They do make the best snuggle buddies don't they?! Have a fabulous Friday!

  2. I loveee your new toy from starbucks!!! the gold is soooo gorg!! I've always wanted a french press, so I think I'll keep my eyes open when I head to starbucks to get my daily fix ;)

    Happy weekend friend!!

  3. Cool French press! We started breaking ours out a lot more right before Steve left, but I am in the horrible habit of chugging that first cup, so I let the keurig do the dirty work for me (a little bit faster).

    Asha seems to be ignoring the documentary completely. Like, "I don't hear it, I don't hear it, if I completely ignore it then maybe they'll never bring it up again, sleeping over here, zzzz" ;)

  4. I love the picture of Asha laying there while y'all watched a movie about sled dogs! Too cute and too perfect!*


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