I can't believe it is Friday! I thought this week would drag by because I was only working one shift. However, it completely flew by. I am linking up with Lauren at From My Grey Desk for High Five Friday.
1. The concert last night was so fun. We took Asha and she behaved like an angel. She was so sweet to all the kids who ran up wanting to pet and play with her. She lay our on blanket and looked around the whole time. I was so impressed with our little girl!
2. Lane and I had breakfast for dinner. I made my favorite paleo pancakes and raspberry banana smoothies.
3. I had a great shift this morning at work. I did four back to back advising appointments and only felt overwhelmed once. It is really just a matter of learning all the classes and pre-requisites. I won't work for a while because we are heading to Virginia during the 4th of July Block Leave.
4. Asha is such a great sleeper. I was nervous at first about letting her have full rein of the house while we were asleep. However, when we closed the door to our room she was very agitated. We started leaving the door open, and she did GREAT. She sleeps on the ground or in her crate all night. After Lane leaves for work she sometimes jumps into bed with me to snuggle. She isn't really supposed to get on the bed, but she is so cute I can't kick her off.
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5. We are making plans to head to Northern Virginia/ D.C for part of the 4th of July holiday. I can't wait to see family and bask in my favorite city in the world. I want to take Asha for a walk around the National Mall and show her off to our friends.
Came across you blog on H54F… I am pretty sure I have fallen in love with your puppy!!!
The pictures of the three of y'all are adorable!*